16215 S Jog Road, Suite 100
Delray Beach, FL 33446


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Tenet Florida Cardiovascular Care News

Why You Should Always Choose a Vascular Surgeon for Varicose Vein Treatment

If you’ve been struggling with unsightly and potentially painful varicose veins, the variety of clinics and treatment centers claiming that they can easily remedy your problem may seem a bit overwhelming. In general, shopping for the right doctor for any issue may take some time. However, it’s important to know what to look for when selecting the right vein clinic or specialist because at the end of the day, not all offices are created equal.

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Understanding Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

When it comes to several of the common conditions treated by a vascular surgeon, most people are familiar with things such as varicose veins and aneurysms. However, as with any medical profession, we treat an assortment of lesser-known ailments that still warrant attention.

Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a grouping of disorders that occurs when the nerves and/or blood vessels in the lower neck and upper chest area are compressed or injured, or simply become irritated over time.

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Dr. Joseph J. Ricotta MD, MS, FACS Performs the First VenaSeal Procedure in Southeast United States

Roswell, GA – Dr. Joseph J. Ricotta, CEO and Medical Director of the Vascular Institute of Atlanta and Associate Professor of Surgery at GRU/UGA School of Medicine, performed the first VenaSeal™ procedure in the state of Georgia on December 15, 2015. Having successfully completed two other VenaSeal™ cases on the 16th, he is currently the first physician in the Southeastern United States to have administered multiple VenaSeal™ treatments. With several additional procedures also scheduled over the next two weeks, he hopes to lay the groundwork for the first safe and permanent treatment of varicose veins in the legs.

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Understanding Dietary Fat and Its Role in Your Health

For decades, the low-fat diet has been touted as the go-to diet for overall health and it’s no secret that most of us were raised in a world that vilified all forms of fat. However, as our research methods have improved and our understanding of everything from cardiovascular disease to metabolic syndrome has increased, it’s clear that banning all forms of fat may be somewhat misguided.

Plain and simple, while we turned fat into the pariah of the food world, our adoption of strictly low-fat diets—

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Tenet Florida Cardiovascular Care
16215 S Jog Road
Suite 100
Delray Beach, FL 33446
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Dr. Joseph J Ricotta MD, MS, FACS Performs First Robotic Peripheral Vascular Procedure in the U.S.

Dr. Joseph J Ricotta MD, MS, FACS Performs First TCAR in South Florida

Dr. Joseph J Ricotta MD, MS, FACS Performs First VenaSeal Procedure in Southeast United States


With Dr. Ricotta you are not left in the dark and know exactly where you stand. He is very responsive and considerate. Even when I had questions after I left his office, he called me back to provide the answers I needed.

I was in and out of the hospital in a couple of days, which greatly contributed to my peace of mind. After Dr. Ricotta cleaned out my artery, my circulation was restored.

Pre-surgery and follow up appointments at Dr. Ricotta’s office in Delray Beach were nothing short of excellent.


Prime Vascular Institute

Disease and Treatments Library



An aneurysm is a ballooning or dilation of a blood vessel to more than 150% of its normal size. This is caused by damage to the lining ...

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Carotid Disease

Stroke, sometimes caused by Carotid Disease, is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States with >750,000 new cases each year ...

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Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a common circulatory problem that affects 12 million people in the United States. It occurs when plaque ...

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Venous Disease

Venous disease refers to all conditions caused by abnormal or diseased veins, usually involving veins in the legs or arms, but can also ...

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